Giving the Community Credit

unsteadily from the zeitgeist
sphincter comes
Adam Phillips' newest
diatribe on happiness and the
laughably blinkered attempts we make at
achieving it. A Child Psychologist
turned Freud fancier, Phillips'
latest book
Side Effects (published July
27th) is a mental
frottage on human desire in which he
argues, citing the myriad
banals of pornography as example, on the
demands of personal
appetite and consumerism's attempts to
sate it.
"It's like the way pornography steals people's dreams. It gives you pictures of sex scenarios and so, unlike more imaginative forms of literature, stops you creating your dreams. Instead of having your own sexual fantasies the porn industry does it" (
Guardian 19/07)
Phillips' world we are constantly
developing our taste for
choice and, evolving
alongside that, the capitalist supply chain grows to
dazzle our aimless
Dante's Handcart worry-possums
fear that this
masturbatory niche'ism is leading to greater and greater
segregation, splitting not only along
demographic lines but
individual ones as well.

As a
particularly aged and papery
grandparent can tell you, in the Olden Days there was only
one option. People
drank PG Tips,
listened to the
BBC World Service,
wiped themselves with
Andrex Toilet Tissue and
travelled each Summer for a six-day
week in
Brighton. Everybody was in the
same, cheery boat and
problems such as street-
violence, Hepatitis and
sodomy were unknown. The
community spirit was still solidarity and not
Vodka & Red Bull.
Roll forward twelvety
years or so and witness the growth of
tailored market forces, a
global shopping list from which even the
lowliest pleb can assemble a
lifestyle according to the minutiae
of their so-called "
needs". Pride events for every
culture, websites such as "
Rate My Penis Gourd", even the ostensibly harmless lesbian
funeral are all indicative of segregation by the tiniest peccadillo
Accuse us of being sweeping and
over-simplifying if you may, but we believe a
return to the ethos of
hardship can only be a good thing. A
sweeping and over-simplified excision of
unnecessary treacles and luxury
whimsy will allow every single sodding
one of you moaning bastards the
opportunity to whinge at your
hearts desire. And if there's an inhabitant of this
fair and speckled isle that
wouldn't choose a good spleen-venting
over and
above a 74 inch colour
television with
stand, then bring them out and let's
stone them to
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