Wrong side of the tracks

Amid the general
newsthrob and gossip
burble gushes word that the
French government and their state
railway have been fined a
landmark $80,000 for their role in
transporting Jews during the second World
War. SNCF, a militant
faction of the original cross-European train
network that still holds French commuters in a
death-grip, was found to be
complicit in "crimes against
humanity" in a case some believe
marred by lawyers'
"I'm amazed by the ruling. I can't understand it," a lawyer acting for SNCF said.
Nonetheless, the trembling question of
reparations is once again
buffed into life, especially given Berlin's
controversial memorial proving to be, as the Combined
Jewish Philantropies warbled,
"a tourist magnet".
Suggest-meisters here at
Dante's Handcart are
stiff believers that, while pretty, simple fines
fail to satisfy the public lust for
comeuppance. Instead, we would like to see each
juicy SNCF train equipped with a memorial
carriage filled with
bronze Jews, to symbolise in a deeply
symbolic way the whole palaver. It'd be
nice to see indie rock
mongeese Silver Jews perform at an inaugural
ceremony, but perhaps that's just being greedy.
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