Pants Stance
Skulking like some feathered nonce into your step-daughter's room comes news that Orange Skin - a neo-Starckian mashup of contemporary design cum zeitgeist flippancy - is selling Triple B Studio's paraiconic UndyRug for a startling $30. Before you slide out your debitable finest, however, let's turn with surprising swiftness to those clockwork culture varmints at Sensory Impact and see what they splutter...
Yikes, that's some bile, babies! Forgive me if I dress as the proverbial cat's anus and wave my query prong underneath your sexy noses, but given a quick googling (safe search off, natch) tells us that there are over two and a quarter million hits for "men underwear fetish" I'd wager there are plenty of boys big, small and in-between who'd quite fancy a massive pair of pants on their bathroom floor.

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